How to get Startup Funding – 5 Easy Steps to Take

Startup Funding
How to get Startup Funding – 5 Easy Steps to Take

How to get Startup Funding – 5 Easy Steps to Take

As an entrepreneur, beginning your entrepreneurship journey without a good understanding of how to get startup funding can be a death trap. No startup functions without funds. In this article, we will show you steps on how to get Startup funding. These tips work for startups in all stages.

Startup Funding

What is Startup funding?

Startup funding is the money that a new business needs to get started and/or grow. Startup funding can be used for a variety of purposes, such as: Developing a product or service Hiring employees Renting office space, Marketing and advertising, Purchasing inventory, Covering operating expenses. Startup funding can come from a variety of sources.

Why is Startup Funding Important?

Startup funding is important for a number of reasons, including:

  • To get started: As a startup owner, you need money to cover the costs of developing a product or service, hiring employees, and marketing your business. Without startup funding, it can be very difficult to get a new business off the ground.
  • To grow: After the initial starting of your business, there is need for further growth. Your startup may need money to expand its operations, develop new products or services, or enter new markets. These growth activities can be capital intensive
  • To attract top talent: Startup funding can help startups offer competitive salaries and benefits, which can attract and retain top talent.
  • To build credibility: Startup funding can help startups build credibility with potential customers, partners, and investors. This might sound strange to you. However, when a startup has investors who believe in its vision, it shows that the startup is serious about its business and has a good chance of success.

How to get startup funding

Now that you have understood what startup funding is and why you need it as an entrepreneur, let us have a deep talk on how to get startup funding.

  1. Have a Business Plan: One would think that the first step is to develop a pitch deck. This is not the right order. Having a business plan comes before developing a pitch deck. Your business plan should outline your business model, target market, competitive advantage, and financial projections. A well-written business plan will show potential investors that you have a viable business idea and that you are serious about making it a success.
  2. Identify your funding needs: Once you have a business plan, settled, the next thing to do is to identify your funding needs. To achieve this, you need to answer this question: How much money do you need to get your business off the ground and start generating revenue? Once you know how much money you need, you can start to look for funding sources.
  3. Research different funding sources: Startup funding can come from a variety of sources, including:personal savings,friends and family, angel investors, venture capital firms, government grants and loans, crowdfunding. Below is a brief description of the common funding sources
    • Angel investors: Angel investors are individuals who invest their own money in startups. They are often looking to invest in early-stage startups with high growth potential.
    • Venture capitalists (VCs): VCs are firms that invest money in startups. They are typically looking to invest in later-stage startups with a proven track record.
    • Accelerators and incubators: Accelerators and incubators are programs that provide startups with mentorship, resources, and networking opportunities. A good number of Accelerator and incubator programs end with provision of startup funding for participating startups.
    • Government grants and loans: There are a number of government grants and loans available to startups. These grants and loans can be a great way to get funding for your startup. Government grants and loans can be competitive to apply for.
    • Crowdfunding: Crowdfunding platforms allow you to raise money from a large number of people, typically in exchange for equity in your company or rewards such as products or services.
  4. Get Ready to Pitch your Startup: Now that you have an idea of your startup funding needs and where you can get them from, get ready to pitch! You need to prepare pitch decks for different investors. Have an one minute pitch deck, a 3-5 minute pitch deck and a ten minute pitch deck. Your pitch should be clear, concise, and persuasive. It should highlight your business model, target market, competitive advantage, and financial projections.
  5. Close the deal: Once you have pitched your startup to investors and they have expressed interest in investing, you need to close the deal. This involves negotiating the terms of the investment and signing a contract.

More Tips on how to get startup funding

Here are some additional tips for how to get startup funding:

  • Start small: Don’t try to raise too much money upfront. Start by raising enough money to get your business off the ground and start generating revenue.
  • Be selective about who you pitch to. Not all investors are created equal. Do your research to identify investors who are a good fit for your startup and your business goals.
  • Be realistic: Don’t overstate your funding needs or your business potential. Investors are looking for startups that are realistic about their needs and their chances of success.
  • Be honest and transparent with investors: Don’t try to sugarcoat your startup’s challenges or exaggerate your successes. Investors appreciate honesty and transparency.
  • Be prepared: When you pitch your startup to investors, be prepared to answer any questions they may have. includes questions about your business model, target market, competitive advantage, and financial projections. Get ready to answer these questions thoroughly and convincingly.
  • Be persistent: It may take some time to find investors who are interested in investing in your startup. Don’t give up. Keep pitching your startup and networking with potential investors.

Startup Funding Request Mistakes to Avoid

Aside knowing how to get startup funding, there are pitfalls an entrepreneur should avoid when requesting for startup funding. Some of these mistakes include:

  • Pitching to the wrong investor: Can someone really pitch to the wrong investor? The answer is Yes. You pitch to the wrong investor when you pitch a business he is not interested in or you present your startup in a manner that discourages the investor. It’s essential to research potential investors to find the right fit. Investors often have specific sectors or stages they prefer to invest in. Tailor your pitch to match their interests.
  • Overvaluing your company: It is important for you as an entrepreneur to be realistic about the value of your startup when pitching to investors. Overvaluing the company can make it difficult to attract investors and can lead to unfavorable terms in the investment agreement. Be sure to conduct market research and use industry benchmarks to arrive at a reasonable valuation.
  • Not Knowing Your Numbers: Investors will expect you to have a solid understanding of your financials. Failing to have a clear grasp of your revenue, costs, and projections can be a red flag.
  • Neglecting Due Diligence: Conduct thorough due diligence on potential investors. Make sure they have a solid track record and reputation in the industry. Just as they evaluate you, you should assess their credibility.
  • Giving up too much equity: You should be careful not to give up too much equity in your startup when raising funding. It is important to negotiate fair terms with investors and to protect your ownership stake in the company.
  • Ignoring Feedback: Be open to constructive feedback from potential investors. It can help you refine your pitch and business strategy.
  • Lack of Contingency Planning: Having a backup plan in case your fundraising efforts fall through is important. Diversify your funding sources to reduce dependence on a single investor or funding type.


Startup funding provides the finances used in the establishment, growth and expansion of a my startup. These funds can be gotten from different types of investors. It is important that a startup conducts thorough research to prepare to receive funding from any of these investors.

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