Apply Now: UICC Young Leaders Programme Global Cancer Control issues |Fully funded

UICC Young Leaders Programme Global
UICC Young Leaders Programme Global

Apply Now: UICC Young Leaders Programme Global Cancer Control issues |Fully funded

Every year, over 10 million individuals worldwide are killed by cancer. The disease imposes a massive impact on countries and communities. Cancer control attempts to reduce this burden. Cancer prevention, early detection and diagnosis, therapy, and palliative care are all part of it.

Many cancers can be avoided by lowering risk factors, as well as by immunization and screening. Others can be identified, diagnosed, and treated early in their development. Even in advanced cancers, pain can be relieved, disease progression halted, and patients and their families helped to manage.

Cancer control aims to reduce the incidence, morbidity, and mortality of cancer, as well as to improve the quality of life of cancer patients in a defined population, by implementing evidence-based interventions for prevention, early detection, diagnosis, treatment, and palliative care.

Up to ten individuals will be chosen to learn more about global cancer prevention and to collaborate on projects relating cancer priority topics.


About the UICC Young Leaders Programme Global

UICC is encouraging mid-career cancer control professionals, who have contributed to progress in cancer control in their country or region and are motivated to expand their influence to drive impact globally, to apply for the 2023-24 cycle of its Young Leaders programme.

Up to 10 participants will be selected to learn more about global cancer control, work on projects involving priority topics in cancer, and attend UICC’s two flagship international events: the World Cancer Leaders’ Summit and World Cancer Congress.

UICC Young Leaders Programme Global Eligibility

To be eligible to apply, you must be 40 years old or younger, able to communicate in English and have worked professionally in cancer control for at least 5 years.

Deadline: Applications are open until 25 May.


Apply here

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