SMFEST Hackathon 2022

Calling all developers, innovators and anyone passionate about building solutions for the SMFEST Hackathon 2022.

SMFEST Hackathon 2022 is a social coding event under the SMFEST 2022. Social Media Fest(SMFEST) is a global, annual conference that brings the best and brightest minds in the world together.

SMFEST Hackathon Brief

Nigeria loses 74% of investor funding to counterparts like Ghana, Kenya, and Nairobi. These losses are not attributed to a lack of quality business ideas and structures, but a lack of a coherent system that helps;

  1. Local and Foreign Investors identify, vet, and invest in quality businesses,
  2. Help businesses raise funds to help push their business goals from all over the globe.

You are expected to work as a team to create a software application that helps Nigerian entrepreneurs pitch their businesses to gain funding. You should see this as a medium to provide quality solution to Africans and the world at large.


The Problem

Your team will create a software application that will help Nigerian entrepreneurs pitch their businesses to prospective investors/funders to gain funding. 
This application should be able to vet businesses that are legit using a unique system while also allowing individual investors track all investments. 

The Guideline

To ensure there is transparency and order, we have stipulated guidelines for all participants of the hackathon and the attendees too.

  1. Individuals or groups from all backgrounds, genders, and geographies are welcome to participate in the hackathon.
  2. Committee members are not eligible to participate in the hackathon. However, they can assist teams as mentors during the coding/development phase.
  3. Participants must be from Nigeria. The prize won will be funded to a central account.
Team Formation
  1. Teams can consist of a single person to as many people as possible.
  2. Changes to team members are not permitted after entering into the competition.
  3. Exceptions can be made on a case by case basis as decided by the rules of committee.
Project Requirements
  1. No development may start before the actual date and time of the event. Any team that violate this rule will be automatically disqualified. The first line of code should be written on or after September 7th, 2022 after the team has been registered. However, we encourage you to brainstorm ideas and create wireframes/mockups.
  2. CMS Development tool like wordpress, No code tools (drag and drop) are prohibited
  3. Any other software development tools, game engine, IDE, and/or programming language can be used for the event. If a team member uses a purchased tool licensed to him or her and the license is not transferable to other members, the members of the team must choose one available to all developer teams.
  4. To ensure a level field for all contestants, you are permitted to use publicly developed and openly licensed API’s and SDKs for your project.
  5. Assets, SDKs, APIs or other tools or components available under a trial license may be used.
  6. A team can submit only one entry for the hackathon. Participation at the hackathon is subjected on a “per-team” basis meaning you are not allowed to be on more than one team at the event.
  7. A team can submit only one entry for the hackathon. Submitting more than one entry automatically disqualifies all your entries.
  8. Participation at the hackathon is subjected on a “per-team” basis, meaning you are not allowed to be on more than one team at the event.
  9. A team may not code applications that violate the code of conduct. For example, racially insensitive ideas for an application will automatically be disqualified.


  1. Registration – 31st July to 14th August, 2022.
  2. Submission of Prototype – 20th to 30th August, 2022.
  3. Coding 7th September – 12th October, 2022.
  4. Announcement of winners – 18th October, 2022.
  5. Award Day – 22nd October, 2022.


How the SMFEST Hackathon 2022 will be conducted

  1. This hackathon will be conducted virtually for all qualified candidates.
  2. Every candidate would ensure they adhere strictly to the guidelines to avoid getting disqualified at any stage of the process.
  3. Each qualified team will be contacted to know the next line of action.

Prize Award 

There will only be one winner for this hackathon on the-winner-takes-it-all basis. The winner will be awarded the sum of N1,000,000.00 (One Million Naira, only) paid into a Nigerian account (tax-deductible).


Timeline for the SMFEST Hackathon 2022


31st July to 14th August, 2022.

There is no limit to the maximum number of team members. Teams can consist of a single person to as many people as possible.

Submission of Prototype

20th to 30th August, 2022.

You are permitted to use publicly developed and openly licensed API’s and SDKs for your project



7th September – 12th October, 2022.

The first line of code should be written on or after September 7th, 2022 after the team has been registered

Award Day

18th October, 2022.-22nd October, 2022.

Winners will be announced on SMFEST day.


What is a hackaton?

A hackathon, also known as a codefest, is a social coding event that brings computer programmers and other interested people together to improve upon or build a new software program.

The word hackathon is a portmanteau of the words hacker, which means clever programmer, and marathon, an event marked by endurance.

The concept of the hackathon, also called a hack day or hack fest, was born out of the open source community.

The first event labeled a hackathon was the OpenBSD Hackathon in Calgary, Canada, on June 4, 1999.


What are the types of hackathons?

Hackathons have different goals and objectives.

Niche Hackatons are Organized as a platform for building applications such as mobile apps, operating system variants, web and video game upgrades.

Altruistic hackathons work to help participants find solutions to problems such as public transportation, education, and disaster prevention.

Corporate hackathons are organized by companies like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft are developed to encourage employees to participate in new product development.


Language or programming hackathons are dedicated to creating specific programming language or framework applications such as C++ or .NET.

Who are the Organizers behind SMFEST?

Silicon Africa Technologies.

Silicon Africa Technologies (SAT) is a digital agency specialized in Brand Visibility, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Web Content Creation, Website development, Product Design and Development.

According to their website, they are seen are a team of young experts, that continuously develop tech products which improves humanity and drive hidden customer/clients to their designated brand location.


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