Submission period now open until 17 January 2022
Each year, the WISE Awards recognize and promote six successful and innovative projects that are addressing global educational challenges. Since 2009, WISE has received more than 3,000 applications from over 150 countries. Today, 78 projects have been awarded, from a wide variety of sectors and locations for their innovation, positive contribution and ability to adapt and scale.
These projects represent a growing resource of expertise and sound educational practice. Every year WISE is building a community of educational innovators that offers a fertile environment for groundbreaking collaborations. Today the WISE Awards network comprises pioneering projects that are bringing positive change to societies and communities.
Winning projects are supported by WISE through different channels:
- Money Prize: Each WISE Awards winning project will receive US$20,000.
- WISE Communications: Projects recognized by WISE are featured on the website, showcased and shared with the WISE community via social media.
- Multimedia productions: Special documentaries and videos are produced to showcase the work of the winning projects.
- WISE Books: Several WISE Awards finalists and winning projects have been featured in WISE Books which explore current challenges and solutions facing 21st-century education.
- The Global Summit and WISE@: Representatives from Award winning projects are also given the opportunity to present and discuss their work at dedicated sessions during the global biennial summit in Doha, Qatar or WISE regional summits, WISE@. In addition, projects are offered an opportunity to participate in global events organized in collaboration with WISE.
- Support to other WISE programs: Representative of former winning projects have been involved in other WISE projects, either through mentorship, participation in the selection processes, and fellowship programs.
Selection process
This new cycle of 2022 WISE Awards will identify, celebrate, and promote six innovative projects for their positive contribution to education and society. The Awards highlight initiatives found to be most creative and effective in finding solutions to education challenges at any level and in all environments. In bringing forward these models, WISE is helping build a network of recognized change-makers to inspire transformation and innovation in education.
Representatives of projects are invited to submit applications to demonstrate the nature and reach of their activities. Nominations of projects are also invited. Past winning projects have addressed a wide range of concerns and pursuits, including access to quality education, life-long learning opportunities, early childhood education, employment, civic education and education in emergency contexts.
To date, the WISE Awards have recognized 78 projects for their innovative, transformative impact. Explore the growing network of WISE Awards winning projects and learn more about these outstanding initiatives.
Enter your project in the competition for the chance to be recognized as a leader in education.
All applications and nominations should be completed on the official form in English. Eligible applications and nominations will be evaluated by a Pre-jury according to the guidelines. Twelve to fifteen finalists will be selected by Qatar Foundation; a Jury will make the final selection of six winning projects.
WISE Awards
Submission period now open until 17 January 2022
Each year, the WISE Awards recognize and promote six successful and innovative projects that are addressing global educational challenges. Since 2009, WISE has received more than 3,000 applications from over 150 countries. Today, 78 projects have been awarded, from a wide variety of sectors and locations for their innovation, positive contribution and ability to adapt and scale.
These projects represent a growing resource of expertise and sound educational practice. Every year WISE is building a community of educational innovators that offers a fertile environment for groundbreaking collaborations. Today the WISE Awards network comprises pioneering projects that are bringing positive change to societies and communities.
Support and Collaboration
Winning projects are supported by WISE through different channels:
- Money Prize: Each WISE Awards winning project will receive US$20,000.
- WISE Communications: Projects recognized by WISE are featured on the website, showcased and shared with the WISE community via social media.
- Multimedia productions: Special documentaries and videos are produced to showcase the work of the winning projects.
- WISE Books: Several WISE Awards finalists and winning projects have been featured in WISE Books which explore current challenges and solutions facing 21st-century education.
- The Global Summit and WISE@: Representatives from Award winning projects are also given the opportunity to present and discuss their work at dedicated sessions during the global biennial summit in Doha, Qatar or WISE regional summits, WISE@. In addition, projects are offered an opportunity to participate in global events organized in collaboration with WISE.
- Support to other WISE programs: Representative of former winning projects have been involved in other WISE projects, either through mentorship, participation in the selection processes, and fellowship programs.
Selection process
This new cycle of 2022 WISE Awards will identify, celebrate, and promote six innovative projects for their positive contribution to education and society. The Awards highlight initiatives found to be most creative and effective in finding solutions to education challenges at any level and in all environments. In bringing forward these models, WISE is helping build a network of recognized change-makers to inspire transformation and innovation in education.
Representatives of projects are invited to submit applications to demonstrate the nature and reach of their activities. Nominations of projects are also invited. Past winning projects have addressed a wide range of concerns and pursuits, including access to quality education, life-long learning opportunities, early childhood education, employment, civic education and education in emergency contexts.
To date, the WISE Awards have recognized 78 projects for their innovative, transformative impact. Explore the growing network of WISE Awards winning projects and learn more about these outstanding initiatives.
Enter your project in the competition for the chance to be recognized as a leader in education.
All applications and nominations should be completed on the official form in English. Eligible applications and nominations will be evaluated by a Pre-jury according to the guidelines. Twelve to fifteen finalists will be selected by Qatar Foundation; a Jury will make the final selection of six winning projects.
Tips for applying
- Complete the application/nomination form in English as clearly as possible
- Be precise in your responses; provide evidence and concrete examples
- Numbers and data should be up-to-date and supported by verifiable evidence
- In case of an application form, include contact details of two valid supporters
- Provide real-life examples of beneficiaries when applicable
- Provide tangible numbers and proofs of impact.
Contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions
Selection of WISE Awards Winners
Each year, the WISE Awards recognizes and promotes six innovative projects that address global education challenges and transforming communities. The selected projects are models of excellence that serve as an inspiration for others to improve education through innovation and creative action.
Each WISE Awards winning project will receive US$20,000, and will benefit from increased public interest through media exposure and other channels. The WISE Awards is not a grant scheme aimed at supporting projects, nor is it intended to be a source of funding for new and untried ideas. Any such applications or nominations will not be considered.
Good luck in your application!