Looking for a Career in Climate?
ClimateBase is a large job portal that highlights sustainable firms.
Where to start?
Start your climate job with the 12-week Climatebase Fellowship!
The Climatebase Fellowship is the climate career accelerator for mission-driven professionals. The experience includes a 12-week cohort-based program and 1 year of membership in the broader Fellowship community.
Since 2020, Climatebase has helped over 1 million people discover and apply to high-impact jobs in climate. But today, many people (including those already working in climate) still struggle to find opportunities to deepen their climate knowledge and expand their community.
In 2022, they launched the Fellowship to fulfill this previously unmet need, by creating an interdisciplinary community-focused educational experience designed to help highly motivated talented professionals accelerate their existing careers in climate or transition into the space.
Event Duration
Several weeks
Program Type
Fully Funded
Program Starts
May 3, 2023
Program Benefits
Learn from and connect with founders, researchers, investors, and subject-matter experts who are developing and scaling real-world applications of climate solutions. Ask questions and expand your knowledge during interactive fireside chats, deep-dive discussions, and expert panels. Build connections with leaders and team members of top climate companies, startups, and nonprofits, and get an inside look at what it’s like to work at these organizations.
Eligible Countries
Open for all
Application Procedure
Click on the official link below to apply
Application Deadline
April 30, 2023